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  • 价 格: 6000.00 / 6000
  • 供 应 地:河南省郑州市
  • 发布公司:河南瑞鼎企业管理咨询有限公司
  • 产品型号:6000
  • 品 牌:
  • 发布日期:2019/10/30 7:55:08
  • 联系人QQ:570448703 点击这里给我发消息











Project name: processing 100000 sets of wooden furniture project. Construction contents: lease production workshop, office, warehouse, a total of 10000 ㎡. Technological process: wooden plank purchases, computer design, carve patterns or designs on woodwork, blank holder, packaging, finished product warehouse. Major equipment: engring machine, pressure machine, packaging machine, loading and unloading car, office facilities, such as more than 60 sets of automation.













资金申报对于一个企业的项目来说,其重要性是不言而喻的,以下是5个常见的资金申报问题:1、不清楚相关领域有资金目前的解决:一、多关注主管部门下发的文件;二、建议访问“扶持资金申报网”等相关网站,其资金指南及验收信息较全,及时性也还不错。 2、没有申报,感觉千头万绪无法下手 建议上规模的、适合申报项目企业成立专门的资金申报及部门,同时配合较有的第三方机构进行申报。3、企业基础条件未完全申报条件建议企业建立长效的企业研发及项目体系。 4、企业组织过个别项目的申报未成功 通常情况下,企业组织申报的项目会卡在“可行性分析报告”的专业度及答辩上。5、无法通过验收 主要是专项资金使用不规夫是任务未完成。 普遍问题编辑1.申请资金(研发经费)不知如何合理匹配2.如何利用手中现有的资料,尽可能高的评分值;3.在报告的编制中不知如何把握专家评审的关键点; 4.如何理顺各专项材料之间的多组勾稽关系,使得整套申报材料自成一体,避免出现前后矛盾; 5.不知哪些材料是必要提供的; 6.申报的时间安排不合理申报材料延误。 资金支持包括投资无偿补助、奖励、转贷和贴息等,只审批资金申请报告,决定是否给予资金扶持。其具体的审批权限和利用如下:1、投资无偿补助是指部门对符合条件的企业投资项目和下一级地方投资项目给予的投资资金补助,一般给与的投资补助不高于总投资额度的30%;2、奖励,是部门对突出,业绩,具有重大创新贡献企业的一种鼓励政策,奖励额度视具体情况而定;3、贴息,是指部门对符合条件、使用了中长期的投资项目给予的利息贴息。 资金申请报告顾名思义也就是作为申请资金的时候需要递交的一类书面报告,资金申请报告出现的一般都是企业在新项目建立之初,或者新的企业出现之时,在资金的情况下向有关部门进行资金申请时递交的报告类书面材料。通过资金申请报告的书写为自己赢得资金上的支持,使企业更好的发展。 资料编辑1、资金申报单位概况(包括资金申报单位的主营业务、经营年限、资产负债、股东构成、主要投资项目、现有生产能力等内容。) 2、项目相关情况(项目总投资、资金筹措情况、项目进展情况、各阶段用资计划情况等) 3、资金申报单位申报资金项目及申报原因陈述4、项目产品及介绍、产量、预计销售价格、直接成本及清单(含主要材料规格、来源及价格)。5、资金申报单位对本项目的评价(SWOT)、项目的社会价值及经济价值评价6、项目年收入情况(产品、服务收入)7、项目年成本费用情况(直接成本、原料、动力成本、年折旧费用、摊销费用、项目拟新增的人数规模,拟设置的部门和工资水平,估计项目工资总额(含福利费)) 8、公司的增值税、所得税税率,其他补贴及优惠事项。9、其他资料及信息根据可研研究工作需要随时沟通。 内容编辑 1、项目单位的基本情况和财务状况;2、项目的基本情况,包括建设背景、建设内容、总投资及资金来源、技术工艺、各项建设条件落况等; 3、申请投资补助或贴息资金的主要原因和政策依据;4、项目内容(适用于申请投资补助或贴息资金500万元及以上的投资项目); 5、发展改革委要求提供的其他内容。 已经发展改革委审批或核准的投资项目,其资金申请报告的内容可适当简化,重点论述申请投资补助或贴息资金的主要原因和政策依据。 目的意义编辑(1) 评估分析项目是否符合和地方的法律、法规、巩、产业政策、行业准入条件以及相关、规范等的要求。(2) 对项目工艺工序以及工艺设备在能源消耗方面是否先进可行,进行评估。(3) 阐述建设项目设计用能的情况,以科学、严谨的评估,客观、地分析项目合理用能的先进点和薄弱环节,判定项目合理用能的政策符合性、科学性、可行性,提出合理用能的建议措施。(4) 根据节能评估的结论和建议,为实现、地方有关节能减排的宏观政策目标,加强项目合理用能,从源头严把节能关。 项目资金申请报告原则上由有资质的工程机构编制,有条件的项目承担单位也可自行编制。资金申请报告的编制应符合以下几个要求:(1)内容真实:资金申请报告涉及的内容以及反映情况的数据,应该尽量真实可靠,偏差及失误。其中所运用的资料、数据,都要经过反复核实,以确保内容的真实性,防止弄虚作假。(2)准确:必须进行深入的调查研究,充分的占有资料,运用切合实际的,科学的未前景。(3)论证严密:论证性是资金申请报告的一个显著特点。要使其有论证性,必须做到运用的分析,围绕影响项目的各种因素进行、的分析,包括宏观分析和微观分析两方面。 为了让一个企业能在短时间内了解各种扶持资金并选择符合企业项目申报政策扶持资金及政策额扶持计划项目资金,尽可能多的资金扶持,我们介绍如下:1、根据企业或项目的发展进行整体策划,建立一套完整的项目申报计划;2、根据项目阶段进行选择相关的扶持资金,根据整体策划方案,确定扶持的类型,逐步按照整体巩方案进行申报。3、根据已资金扶持进行分层次、按照地方相应的政策去申报地方资金和配套资金; 资金支持包括投资无偿补助、奖励、转贷和贴息等,只审批资金申请报告,决定是否给予资金扶持。其具体的审批权限和利用如下:1、投资无偿补助是指部门对符合条件的企业投资项目和下一级地方投资项目给予的投资资金补助,一般给与的投资补助不高于总投资额度的30%;2、奖励,是部门对突出,业绩,具有重大创新贡献企业的一种鼓励政策,奖励额度视具体情况而定;3、贴息,是指部门对符合条件、使用了中长期的投资项目给予的利息贴息。 扶持资金和政策扶持计划项目的申报都是需要企业上报各种各样的材料,一般申报材料主要包括:资金申请报告(项目申请报告,申请书)。这些申报材料中主要编写的材料是资金申请报告、项目建议书或项目可行性研究报告等,这些申报材料往往在申报扶持资金和政策扶持计划项目中起着很关键的作用。扶持资金部门聘请专家对项目进行评审实际大多都是对申报编写材料的内容进行评审。材料内容的清晰、往往影响项目评审专家的评分,一般来说每个品种的扶持资金都有评审分数的要求,高于某一分数,项目才可能资金审批部门的审议。这样扶持资金申报材料编写是很关键的,它的高低也是项目能否政策扶持资金的一个关键因素。 资金申请报告主要内容:1、项目单位的基本情况和财务状况;2、项目的基本情况,包括建设背景、建设内容、总投资及资金来源、技术工艺、各项建设条件落况等;3、申请投资补助或贴息资金的主要原因和政策依据;4、项目内容(适用于申请投资补助或贴息资金500万元及以上的投资项目);5、发展改革委要求提供的其他内容。已经发展改革委审批或核准的投资项目,其资金申请报告的内容可适当简化,重点论述申请投资补助或贴息资金的主要原因和政策依据。 申报材料注意事项:1、严格根据某个政策扶持资金的要求或者提供的提纲结构进行编写;2、在编写中,针对某个扶持资金的关注点进行重点突出,条理清晰;3、技术介绍、重点突出;4、市场定位恰当、合理;5、项目实施巩清楚、合理,建设期明确;6、投资预算中的资金预算合理、详细;7、资金应用及来源明确、不能有缺口;8、项目实施的经济效果真实以及风险评估;9、编写材料语言顺畅、通俗易懂。10、附件要齐全,材料要统一。11、包装简约大方,不要过于花俏,也不要太随便。 编写资金申请报告需的资料:1、资金申报单位概况(包括资金申报单位的主营业务、经营年限、资产负债、股东构成、主要投资项目、现有生产能力等内容。)2、项目相关情况(项目总投资、资金筹措情况、项目进展情况、各阶段用资计划情况等)3、资金申报单位申报资金项目及申报原因陈述4、项目产品及介绍、产量、预计销售价格、直接成本及清单(含主要材料规格、来源及价格)。5、资金申报单位对本项目的评价(SWOT)、项目的社会价值及经济价值评价6、项目年收入情况(产品、服务收入)7、项目年成本费用情况(直接成本、原料、动力成本、年折旧费用、摊销费用、项目拟新增的人数规模,拟设置的部门和工资水平,估计项目工资总额(含福利费))8、公司的增值税、所得税税率,其他补贴及优惠事项。9、其他资料及信息根据可研研究工作需要随时沟通。 首先,要对支持专项计划、政策与配套资金的申请办法、时间、申报材料的编写、注意事项、申报流程及申报要领等有一个较的宏观了解。这些可以通过各部委的网站、或直接到有关主管部门与有关人员交谈、或通过专业人士以及机构等去了解和把握。其次,做好前期必要地工作。一要详细了解本企业拥有的核心技术、产品、市场等方面的优劣势和发展潜力,分析企业的财务发沾况,把企业内在价值展示出来;二是注重公司无形资产的累积,譬如专利证书、商标、著作权;查新报告;产品的和鉴定报告;科技成果鉴定报告;申请科技进步奖;良好企业信用等级;用户使用报告;出口创汇企业评选情况;IS09000体系认定证书;高新技术项目(企业)或企业认定证书等,这些报蛤证书都可以作为申报项目的旁证材料,有的甚至是项目要求不可缺少的附件。第三,需要有高地申报材料。根据申报的或者政策扶持计划项目的要求,真实、准确、严谨、高的申报材料,使其能展示出公司的技术、实力等方面的优势,使评委们能在较短时间内其关注点,并匿分的理解、正妊握企业的申报材料所提供的信息点。第四,按照规定程序提交申请材料后,开始审核程序。企业需要与有关主管部门的人员、沟通,让他们对企业了解企业的基本情况。 资金申请报告常见问题和建议:资金申报对于一个企业的项目来说,其重要性是不言而喻的,以下是5个常见的资金申报问题:1、不清楚相关领域有资金目前的解决:一、多关注主管部门下发的文件;二、建议访问“扶持资金申报网”等相关网站,其资金指南及验收信息较全,及时性也还不错。2、没有申报,感觉千头万绪无法下手建议上规模的、适合申报项目企业成立专门的资金申报及部门,同时配合较有的第三方机构进行申报。3、企业基础条件未完全申报条件建议企业建立长效的企业研发及项目体系。4、企业组织过个别项目的申报未成功通常情况下,企业组织申报的项目会卡在“可行性分析报告”的专业度及答辩上。5.无法通过验收 资金申请报告普遍问题:1.申请资金(研发经费)不知如何合理匹配2.如何利用手中现有的资料,尽可能高的评分值;3.在报告的编制中不知如何把握专家评审的关键点;4.如何理顺各专项材料之间的多组勾稽关系,使得整套申报材料自成一体,避免出现前后矛盾;5.不知哪些材料是必要提供的;6.申报的时间安排不合理申报材料延误。 专项资金申请报告,是指项目投资者为专项资金支持而出具的一种报告。资金支持包括投资补助、奖励、转贷和贴息。“投资无偿补助”是指部门对符合条件的企业投资项目和下一级地方投资项目给予的投资资金补助,一般给与的投资补助不高于总投资额度的30%;“奖励”是部门对突出,业绩,具有重大创新贡献企业的一种鼓励政策,奖励额度视具体情况而定;“贴息”是指部门对符合条件、使用了中长期的投资项目给予的利息贴息。2013年之后的来几年内,资金支持的渠道将为广大中小企业发展提供大好机遇,而制作一份的可行性报告与资金申请报告,则是中小企业解决资金与瓶颈的关键点。 资金申请报告的编制应符合以下几个要求:(1)内容真实:资金申请报告涉及的内容以及反映情况的数据,应该尽量真实可靠,偏差及失误。其中所运用的资料、数据,都要经过反复核实,以确保内容的真实性,防止弄虚作假。(2)准确:必须进行深入的调查研究,充分的占有资料,运用切合实际的,科学的未前景。(3)论证严密:论证性是资金申请报告的一个显著特点。要使其有论证性,必须做到运用的分析,围绕影响项目的各种因素进行、的分析,包括宏观分析和微观分析两方面。 为贯彻落实投资体制改革精神,进一步完善企业投资项目核准制,帮助和指导企业开展项目资金申请报告的编写工作,规范项目核准对企业投资项目的核准行为,根据《行政许可法》、《关于投资体制改革的决定》、《企业投资项目核准暂行办法》、《外商投资项目核准暂行办法》和《金融组织和外国投资项目暂行办法》等规定,特编写项目资金申请报告编写格式,供有关方面借鉴和参考。 项目资金申请报告编写格式是对项目资金申请报告编写内容及深度的一般要求。企业在编写具体项目的申请报告时,可结合项目自身的实际情况,对通用文本中所要求的内容进行适当;如果拟建项目不涉及其中有关内容,可以在说明情况后不再进行详细论证。为了更好地适应不同行业的具体情况和要求,发展改革委将在通用本的基础上,逐步制定特定行业的项目资金申请报改本。行业本将充分反映不同行业的特殊情况,并根据工作需要对通用本的内容进行适当增减。 按照投资体制改革的要求,不再审批企业投资项目的可行性研究报告,项目的市场前景、经济效益、资金来源、产品技术方案等都由企业自主决策。尽管不需再报审批,但为了防止和投资失误、保证投资效益,企业在进行自主决策时,仍应编制可行性研究报告,对上述内容进行分析论证,作为投资决策的重要依据。因此,投资体制改革之后,可行性研究报告的主要功能是企业自主投资决策的需要,其内容和深度可由企业根据决策需要和项目情况相应确定。 项目资金申请报告,是企业投资建设应报核准的项目时,为项目核准对拟建项目的行政许可,按核准要求报送的项目论证报告。 项目资金申请报告应重点阐述项目的外部性、公共性等事项,包括经济、合理利用资源、保护生态、重大布局、保障公众利益、防止出现垄断等内容。编写项目资金申请报告时,应根据公共的要求,对拟建项目从巩布局、资喳用、征地、生态、经济和社会影响等方面进行综合论证,为有关部门对企业投资项目进行核准提供依据。至于项目的市场前景、经济效益、资金来源、产品技术方案等内容,不必在项目资金申请报告中进行详细分析和论证。 了解和项目申报单位及拟建项目的基本情况,是项目核准对拟建项目进行分析评价以决定是否予以核准的前提和基础。如果不匿分了解有关情况,就难以做出正确的核准决定。因此,对项目申报单位及拟建项目基本情况的介绍,在项目资金申请报告的编写中占有非常重要的地位。 通过对项目申报单位的主营业务、经营年限、资产负债、股东构成、主要投资项目情况和现有生产能力等内容的阐述,为项目核准分析判断项目申报单位是否具备承担拟建项目的资格、是否符合有关的市场准入条件等提供依据。 通过对项目的建设背景、建设、主要建设内容和规模、产品和工程技术方案、主要设备选型和配套工程、投资规模和资金筹措方案等内容的阐述,为项目核准对拟建项目的相关核准事项进行分析、评价奠定基础和前提。 发展巩、产业政策和行业准入等,是加强和宏观调控的重要手段,是核准企业投资项目的重要依据。本章编写的主要目的,是从发展巩、产业政策及行业准入的角度,论证项目建设的目标及功能定位是否合理,是否符合宇目相关的各类巩要求,是否符合相关法律法规、宏观调控政策、产业政策等规定,是否行业准入、重大布局等要求。 在发展巩方面,应阐述国民经济和社会发哲体巩、区域巩、城市总体巩、城镇体系巩、行业发展巩等各类巩中与拟建项目密切相关的内容,对拟建项目是否符合相关巩的要求、项目建设目标与巩内容是否衔接和协调等进行分析论证。 在产业政策方面,阐述与拟建项目相关的产业结构、产业发展方向、产业空间布局、产业技术政策等内容,分析拟建项目的工程技术方案、产品方案等是否符合有关产业政策、法律法规的要求,如贯彻技术装备政策自主创新能力的情况等。 在行业准入方面,阐述与拟建项目相关的行业准入政策、准入等内容,分析评价项目建设单位和拟建项目是否符合相关规定。 对于需要占用重要资源的建设项目,应阐述项目需要占用的资源品种和数量,提出资源供应方案;涉及多金属、多用途化学元素共生矿、伴生矿以及油气混合矿等情况的,应根据资源特征提出合理的综合利用方案,做到物尽其用;通过单位生产能力主要资源消耗量、资源循环再生利用率等指标的国内外先进水平对比分析,评价拟建项目资喳用效率的先进性和合理性;分析评价资源综合利用方案是否符合发展循环经济、建设节约型社会的要求;分析资喳用是否会对地表(下)水等其它资源造成不利影响,以资喳用综合效率。 在资喳用分析中,应对资源节约措施进行分析评价。本章主要阐述项目方案中作为原材料的各类金属矿、非金属矿及水资源节约的主要措施方案,并对其进行分析评价。有关节能的分析评价设专章单独阐述。对于耗水量大或严重依赖水资源的建设项目,以及涉及主要金属矿、非金属矿利用的建设项目,应对节水措施及相应的金属矿、非金属矿等原材料节约方案进行专题论证,分析拟建项目的资源消耗指标,阐述工程建设方案是否符合资源节约综合利用政策及相关专项巩的要求,就如何资喳用效率、资源消耗提出对策措施。


瑞鼎企划公司是注册10年以上的专业编制公司,一直服务各个城市客户,特别是瑞鼎地区的多家大型企业,口碑一直很好。 前几年企业做节能评估报告的时候都需要市里出具节能意见,企业有了市级有关部门出具的节能意见才能备案立项,项目才能开工建设。其实现在已经将出具节能意见的权利下放到县级,也就是说县简者节能办也有出具节能意见的权利,而且是符合规定的。县级拥有这样的权利对企业来说是一件好事,因为县级批复一般情况下是比市级批复要快,这对于着急备案立项,赶工期的企业来说非常有利。但是由于这个批复权利近两年刚下放,有的县级不懂操作流程,又把走程序的事情推到市里面,这里面虽然有不作为的因素,但是作为企业来讲,跟县级有关部门搞好关系还是非常有必要的。 可行性研究报告需要着重编写的内容:可行性研究是确定建设项目前具有决定性意义的工作,是在投资决策之前,对拟建项目进行技术经济分析论证的科学,在投资中,可行性研究报告资质是指对拟建项目有关的自然、社会、经济、技术等进行调研、分析比较以及建成后的社会经济效益。可行性研究报告资质的基本内容就是报告的正文部分所要体现的内容、可行性研究报告是结论和建议赖以产生的基础、应要求以、的分析为主要,经济效要核心,围绕影响项目的各种因素,运用大量的数据资料论证拟建项目是否可。可行性研究报告主要内容是要求以、的分析为主要,经济效要核心,围绕影响项目的各种因素,运用大量的数据资料论证拟建项目是否可行、对整个可行性研究报告资质提出综合分析评价,指出优缺点和建议、为了可行性研究报告资质的需要,往往还需要加上一些附件,如试验数据、论证材料、计算图表、附图等,以增强可行性报告的说服力。 为什么要编写可行性研究报告







  瑞鼎诚信标语--依法守信,厚德笃诚;顾客至上,服务用心。 瑞鼎诚信标语--百年基业靠创新,万世伟业靠诚信。 瑞鼎诚信标语--放心消费始于心,诚信经营践于行。 瑞鼎诚信标语--依法立市,诚信经营;利民盈利,买卖双赢。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚为根,信为本,良心为枝叶,方棵正果。 瑞鼎诚信标语--是生命之源,诚信是立业之本。 瑞鼎诚信标语--买卖以“诚”为尺,经营依“法”为度。 瑞鼎诚信标语--善待顾客,信守品质,,共同发展。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚是根,信是本,诚信经营是根本。 瑞鼎诚信标语--社会责任谨记于心,放心消费施之以行。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营源于一言一行,放心消费始于一毫一厘。 瑞鼎诚信标语--依法经营是商贸企业生存发展的前提,诚信是走向成功的基础。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营人为本,社会法是根。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信务实,创新;严谨,合作共赢。 瑞鼎诚信标语--货真价实,态度真诚,信守承诺。 瑞鼎诚信标语--信守合同一诺千金,诚信经营地久天长。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚实守信,公平交易,杜绝欺诈,文明服务。 瑞鼎诚信标语--健全满意服务机制,诚实守信氛围。 瑞鼎诚信标语--构筑放心消费,创造温馨健活。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信守信,个个参与,人人受益。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信人喜爱,失信鬼见愁。 瑞鼎诚信标语--经营以诚取信,消费以,社会以和为贵。 瑞鼎诚信标语--弘扬诚实守信的经商理念,共建公平的消费。 瑞鼎诚信标语--贪恋一时歪财,断送一世清誉。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信备考,理性为人;考的是水平,试的是人格。 瑞鼎诚信标语--做人有底线,经营讲规范。 瑞鼎诚信标语--为本,诚信为基。 瑞鼎诚信标语--赢一时侥幸,输一生财运。 瑞鼎诚信标语--讲诚信,赢天下。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚实为本,公平墅。 瑞鼎诚信标语--倡导诚信经营,造就精彩人生。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信守信,安身立命。 瑞鼎诚信标语--付出诚信,明天赢得信誉。 瑞鼎诚信标语--以诚立人,以信兴业。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信播种,市场收获繁荣。 瑞鼎诚信标语--失信者,捡芝麻丢西瓜。 瑞鼎诚信标语--厚德能载物,诚信赢天下。 瑞鼎诚信标语--遵章诚信合作,用法权益。 瑞鼎诚信标语--筑欺诈防火墙,撑繁荣保护伞。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚是立世之根,信是基业之本。 瑞鼎诚信标语--人之信,商之魂,业之根。 瑞鼎诚信标语--欺诈或兴一时,诚信方垂永世。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经商,共赢天下。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信任尊敬,欺诈人害怕。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信,商人的金质名片。 瑞鼎诚信标语--人载信行一步,信载人通九州。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚实公平,相互依存。 瑞鼎诚信标语--信立天下,诚铸未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--君子爱财,取之有道。 瑞鼎诚信标语--失信是祸,诚(守)信是福。 瑞鼎诚信标语--口碑无价,商誉是金。 瑞鼎诚信标语--以人为本,诚信赢天下。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信共荣,欺诈可耻。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚立世,信聚富。 瑞鼎诚信标语--坚守道德底线,诚就精彩未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信、务实、创新、。 瑞鼎诚信标语--物以类聚,商以诚兴。 瑞鼎诚信标语--成功之道,之基。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚德塑造品牌,信誉开辟天地。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信,企业的。 瑞鼎诚信标语--不做亏心事,不赚亏心钱。 瑞鼎诚信标语--依法经商,诚信至上。 瑞鼎诚信标语--信达天下,誉满中华。 瑞鼎诚信标语--德厚传家远,诚信经营旺。 瑞鼎诚信标语--守法守住根本,诚信成就利润。 瑞鼎诚信标语--一心一意做事,实心实意做人。 瑞鼎诚信标语--商贸不讲诚信,等于坐以毙命。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信赢得市场,放心收获信誉。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚立天下,信赢未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--以求生存,以诚信求发展。 瑞鼎诚信标语--德厚法严,人和商兴。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚以立本,信赢天下。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚德铸造品牌,信誉开辟市场。 瑞鼎诚信标语--心系消费大众,情牵市场繁荣。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚实守信,线。 瑞鼎诚信标语--商家讲诚信,顾客更放心。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚铸品牌,信赢天下。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚德铸品牌,信誉赢未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚立天下,信赢未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--人人诚信,消费放心。 瑞鼎诚信标语--爱财取有道,诚信为根本。 瑞鼎诚信标语--信立天下,诚就未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信点亮市场,促进繁荣。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营,构建市场。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营,安心立业。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚实信用,帝王条款。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚实守信,依法经营。 瑞鼎诚信标语--人讲道德品行,商讲诚信经营。 瑞鼎诚信标语--心的守信经营,新的市场繁荣。 瑞鼎诚信标语--经营无诀窍,诚信是高招。 瑞鼎诚信标语--百姓满意得金,诚信经营收福。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信为本,德正业兴。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营是金,放心消费是福。 瑞鼎诚信标语--人而无信,不知其可。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信久远,兴商有道。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营,互利互惠。 瑞鼎诚信标语--千金不换诚信,万世基业之本。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信心连心,守信手牵手。 瑞鼎诚信标语--经营事关民生,诚信成就繁荣。 瑞鼎诚信标语--贪人一斗米,失却半年粮。 瑞鼎诚信标语--良心做人,诚信做事。 瑞鼎诚信标语--弘扬中华道德,繁荣商贸企业。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚立天下,信赢未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--斯以为商,诚信至上。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信赢得市场,放心温暖人心。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚德争取用户,信誉铸造品牌。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚实守信,道德底线。 瑞鼎诚信标语--走向诚信时代,共创繁荣未。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营,见心见行。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚与生俱来;信与时俱进。 瑞鼎诚信标语--播种诚信,收获财富。 瑞鼎诚信标语--至上,诚信经营。 瑞鼎诚信标语--守信从我做起,有你贡献。 瑞鼎诚信标语--守诚保证合作,求精达到满意。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营,构建社会。 瑞鼎诚信标语--商以诚为德,人以信为本。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚德争取用户,信誉开辟市场。 瑞鼎诚信标语--人为本,诚为根,和为魂。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营,利益双赢。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚立国之本,信处事之根。 瑞鼎诚信标语--诚信经营,共谋共赢。 瑞鼎诚信标语--守诚促进合作,满意实现共赢。 Gold orchid culture achievement brand - efficiency, honesty molded future. Gold orchid - as long as the spirit of enterprise culture is not landslide, way better than more difficult. Gold orchid culture - plan is the best guarantee of time, time is the solid foundation for efficiency, efficiency is the optimization of the of action, action is the only way to success. Gold orchid culture - and build a conservation-minded enterprise starts from me, se is benefit to se is the efficiency. Gold orchid culture - implement the strategy of the three big prestige, cultivate the tree image of enterprise culture. Gold orchid culture - because of me, so it will be better. Gold orchid culture - don't look down on yourself, people he infinite sibility. Gold orchid culture - attitude decides everything, detail decides success or failure. Gold orchid culture - only responsibility, can bear greater responsibility. Gold orchid culture - multipoint communication, less complain. More understanding, less dispute. Gold orchid culture -- - self improvement, healthy competition. Appreciate each other, support each other. Gold orchid culture - solidarity and unity, stone into gold. Gold orchid culture - which included strengthening the consciousness of competition and build team spirit. Gold orchid culture - your voluntary contribution, is the company's brilliant. Gold orchid culture -- - the pursuit of customer satisfaction, is my responsibility to you. Gold orchid culture - there are no pains, no gains, there is no pain, no gain. Gold orchid culture - not only perfect products, there is no captious client. Gold orchid culture - take good care of public property, cherish resources, thrift, common development. Gold orchid culture - will not discuss, discuss without decisions, make decisions without execution, such meetings are the most wasteful action. Gold orchid culture - we are extremely despise all throw your uncivilized behior, etc. Gold orchid culture - find ways to be successful, find excuses only failure. Gold orchid culture - for a customer is not easy, losing a customer is . Gold orchid culture - everyone is your customers. Gold orchid culture - didn't work hard today, try to find work tomorrow! Gold orchid culture - success team, help me to grow our life!!!!!!! Gold orchid culture - due diligence - is the foundation of team work! Gold orchid culture - today, did you ile? Gold orchid culture - when you're good to others is to yourself! Gold orchid - corporate culture cultivated manners employees, create team spirit. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, carefully, carefully and attentively, and good quality. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, innovation breakthrough stable quality, the implementation of the management efficiency. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, implement ISO series standards, setting up enterprise new image. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality management standardization, ISO success depends on everybody. Gold orchid publicity slogans, internal quality audit on a regular basis, system maintain not wrong. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, operation standard can abide by, don't he to worry about quality efficiency. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans frequently ysis, customer feedback, quality improvement idea. Gold orchid publicity slogans, original records to reliable quality, statistical ysis is valid. Gold orchid quality slogan -- don't accept bad product, don't make bad product. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality is made, not the inspection. Gold orchid quality slogan - powered by technology, strives for the survival by the quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - every day self review, quality natural is better. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, you think, I think, the quality issues. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, we promise: don't do bad product. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, expelling the careless, improve product quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality I do good, you retain customers won't run. Gold orchid quality slogan - find ways to be successful, excuses will only fail. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, no measures no-go management, no plan how to work. Gold orchid quality slogan -- don't accept bad product, don't do bad product, not a bad product. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, found the problem immediately, timely processing to do well. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans - the pursuit of innovation quality, the implementation of the management efficiency. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, insist to do test, a little problem. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, incoming inspection according to the standard, product quality is guaranteed. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, prefer to check in advance, not after the rework. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality management skills, communication is very important. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, not the quality of products, to make useless junk. Gold orchid quality slogan - want to zero defect products, a comprehensive quality management is inevitable. Gold orchid quality slogan - eye to heart, hand to, to, adverse natural run not to drop. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, a negligence one hundred busy, everyone is careful more oothly. Gold orchid publicity slogans, do a good job in product packaging quality assurance products quality in the end. Gold orchid publicity slogans, high-quality construction quality, base on ISO9000. Gold orchid propaganda slogan, quality construction, in order to quality for the root. Quality - the wheel of success. Gold orchid propaganda slogan, quality products, good results. Quality oriented. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality for this, the wealth for the fruit. Gold orchid quality slogan -- a little-and improvement, to perfect quality. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, a short, quality of education. Gold orchid quality slogan -- even hand, carry forward the spirit of high quality. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, self-check mutual inspection, to ensure zero defect products. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, quality is produced, not by inspection. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, pay attention to a little more, the problem a bit less. Gold orchid quality slogan - every day self review, quality is even better! Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, put an end to bad ideas, carry forward the spirit of high quality. Gold orchid quality publicity slogans, same old, to effect a radical cure. Small problems, to attach importance to. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the enterprise eternal theme. Gold orchid quality slogan - market is the sea, quality is the ship, the brand is the sail. Gold orchid quality slogan - today's quality, tomorrow's market. Xingzhong gold orchid quality slogan - the build quality of the Great Wall, China economy. Gold orchid quality slogan - ISO9000 - the source of efficiency and effectiveness. Gold orchid quality slogan - structure "quality, environment, safety" - the integration of the management system. Gold orchid quality slogan - has a culture of quality of the quality system, to create attractive, has the quality of the soul. Gold orchid quality slogan - future success belong to the century of quality leader. Gold orchid quality slogan -- - the century of quality leader in the 21st century. Gold orchid quality slogan - casting brilliance, only has the quality. The actor bad of character of gold orchid quality slogan, is more important than cost. Gold orchid quality slogan, strives for the survival by the quality, strives for the development by quality, to the quality and efficiency. Gold orchid quality slogan, strives for the survival by the quality, seek development by reform. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality qualified social obligation, excellent quality is the contribution to the society. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the successful partner, jitc is the guarantee of quality. Gold orchid quality slogan -- and a traditional say goodbye to yesterday, to the future of the specification. Gold orchid quality slogan - only to enter the orbit of international standard, to he unlimited extension of space. Gold orchid quality slogan - the user is the source of enterprise development. Gold orchid quality slogan - crisis, enhance confidence in the face, the arduous struggle, create brilliant. Gold orchid quality slogan, enhance the sense of urgency, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, to rob market, lay a turnaround. On the gold orchid quality slogan - can can, can into the can out, a meritocracy, only can be used. Gold orchid quality slogan - changing ideas, the transformation attitude, innovation mechani, innovation. Gold orchid quality slogan - pumping life into the product, the product will be alive in the market. Gold orchid quality slogan - manufacture must rely on low cost, competition relying on high quality. Gold orchid quality slogan -- effort strring management idea, make the enterprise culture. Gold orchid quality slogan - set up core values, and be good at learning, be good at creating. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the life of the enterprise. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality - enterprise the key to winning. Gold orchid quality slogan - north-west 'really like iron, now moving more from scratch. Gold orchid quality slogan - based on new starting point, create a new situation. Gold orchid quality slogan - best rod head, go further. Gold orchid quality slogan - pay today, tomorrow's return. Gold orchid quality slogan - build quality levee, to meet the challenge. Gold orchid quality slogan, make high quality products in huanyu windsurfing, rush out Asia, moves towards the world. Gold orchid quality slogan -- let huanyu sail carrying the high quality product, across the 21st century. Gold orchid quality slogan - across today's view, expand the vision of the 21st century. Gold orchid quality slogan - recovery and a grain of millet, the autumn harvest seed. Gold orchid quality slogan - into the quality of heen and earth, brings infinite business opportunities. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality exists in all parts of the human existence. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality - bring you can see the future, can't say how wonderful. Gold orchid slogan - across the porch of the gate of the ISO9000 quality, into the palace of the 21st century. Gold orchid quality slogan, jitc nine thousand, over nine thousand. Gold orchid, the spirit of quality slogan - times national soul, and spirit of high quality build time spirit. Gold orchid quality slogan - benefit from social service in return. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the life of the enterprise, in order to protect your life, for your company to establish a quality guarantee system. Gold orchid water quality slogan - market, companies such as boat, quality as the rudder, man is a pilot. Gold orchid quality slogan - customer credibility is the source of enterprise development. Gold orchid quality slogan - benefit by quality, quality by technology, the technology on talents, talents depend on education. Gold orchid quality slogan - the quality of the products is the wings expand, voyage, infinite brilliant prison. Gold orchid quality slogan - innovation is fundamental, quality is life, the practical aim, benefit is the goal. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality first, reputation first, management, services for honesty. Gold orchid slogan - high quality products, quality is the key that opens the door to the market. Gold orchid quality slogan - create more quality products and improve the corporate image. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality products, is the bridge to the world. Gold orchid slogan - high quality products, quality is the assurance of the market competition to win. Gold orchid quality slogan, attaches importance to product quality, strengthen enterprise management. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the guarantee of credit, credit standing is the embodiment of the quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - credit comes from quality, quality comes from quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - day in and day out, keep improving. Year after year, benefit win. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality assurance, is a commitment to society. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the foundation of enterprise from bottom to top, but need to help everyone. Gold orchid quality slogan - product quality is the foundation of leads to the market, is the key to win the trust of users. Gold orchid quality slogan - persistence on product quality, the enterprise will be in place of not a few. Gold orchid quality slogan - powered by technology, to the quality strives for the quality is the life of the enterprise, the quality is enterprise's benefit, the quality is the power of enterprise development, strives for the survival by the quality. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the life of the enterprise, quality is the benefit of the enterprise, the quality is the power of enterprise development, rely on all staff to ensure quality. Gold orchid quality slogan: improving both reforms, leather heart first. Gold orchid quality slogan - is the secret to the success of the enterprise of talent, products, services, adhere to the quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - for war, to the potential, not on others, thus's advantage. Gold orchid quality slogan - market like battlefield, quality is the forefront. Gold orchid quality slogan - qc to improve the credibility, reputation to expand sales. Gold orchid quality slogan -- a quality brand, first-class corporate image. Gold orchid quality slogan - manufacturing superior products and cultivating talents. Gold orchid quality slogan - plastic corporate image, create high-quality brand. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality - remain constant way of winning. Support on, check it. Gold orchid quality slogan, jitc out quality, tree image. Gold orchid quality slogan, excellent products and service is the employee's achievement and pride. Gold orchid quality slogan - dude! Quality control is not dream, but up and line work. Gold orchid slogan - even m product quality, quality concerns you I him. Gold orchid slogan, product quality is like a flower, leafy depends on everybody. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is the resources, the quality is money. Gold orchid quality slogan - zero defect product quality, customer service, no complaints. Gold orchid quality slogan - put an end to all the unqualified is the basic requirement of quality assurance. Gold orchid quality slogan - customer satisfaction is the eternal pursuit of enterprise. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality is life, service is the tenet. Gold orchid quality slogan -- -- the quality, the quality of universal. Gold orchid quality slogan - under the care of the quality of human life. Gold orchid quality slogan - create attractive quality, make loyal group. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality not only decided by the producers, more should be decided by the customer. Gold orchid slogan - industry competition by product quality, product competition by quality. Gold orchid quality slogan -- how to promote QCC, not work hard. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality flawed, and paralysis. Gold orchid slogan, product quality to be without fault, a comprehensive quality management is inevitable. Gold orchid banner - design and reasonable quality, quality is the first step of quality assurance. Gold orchid quality slogan -- everyone proal innovation, natural to reduce cost. Gold orchid quality slogan - good quality concept to grasp, finished product delivery is not upset. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality, performance is ahead. Gold orchid slogan, improve quality, has no end. Gold orchid quality slogan, to sophisticated technology, quality win. Gold orchid slogan -- to implement quality control, quality begins with education, education finally. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality - the starting point of value and dignity. Gold orchid quality slogan - high quality spirit, with one. Gold orchid quality slogan - work together, to improve quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality to create life, sheltered life, sustain survival. Gold orchid quality slogan - the colors of the life world, from the highest quality level. Gold orchid quality slogan - high quality spirit, come the blueprint. A little bit of gold orchid quality slogan, quality improvement, work a lot less risk. Gold orchid quality slogan - do better quality, less error, natural. Gold orchid quality slogan -- people's ability is limited, the effort is infinite. Gold orchid quality slogan - everyone is to do quality control, quality sure. Gold orchid quality slogan - implementation effect to demonstrate that the persistence is the key. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality is made, instead of inspection. Gold orchid quality slogan, it is not to all evil to little good and not for it. Gold orchid quality slogan - clean and orderly is the assurance of quality. Gold orchid slogan - if you know how to control the quality, you can control everything. Gold orchid quality slogan - this to say, no sooner said than done, to be effective. Gold orchid quality slogan, which requires to clear, the execution must firmly. Gold orchid quality slogan - training to pay, not training will pay more. Gold orchid quality slogan - using the first-class talents, first-class institution. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality - Jordan farmar is a trust, is key to winning competition, is the pursuit of endless, the starting point of value and dignity. Gold orchid quality slogan, attaches great importance to the contract, the standard operation, ensure the quality, the credibility of commitments. Gold orchid quality slogan - to build the road to quality benefit, a quality benefit industry. Gold orchid quality slogan, adhere to the principle of "quality first, to provide satisfactory service quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - customer satisfaction is our forever tenet. Provides the first-class service, let customers fully satisfied. Gold orchid quality slogan, deepen quality management, improve product quality. Gold orchid quality slogan, strives for perfection, casting quality of the product. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality - good salean. Gold orchid quality slogan, first-class quality from the first-class management. Gold orchid quality slogan, strives for perfection, casting quality model. Gold orchid quality slogan - selling the real thing, the real price, delivering the truth. Gold orchid quality slogan - homogenous commodity price is not high, same price of goods quality, and the better. Gold orchid quality slogan - your grade, my qualities, and a good partner, I need you. Gold orchid quality slogan -- don't accept unqualified products, manufacturing nonconforming, don't deliver the nonconforming product. Gold orchid quality slogan, employee training, synchronization, innovation progress. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality further, very hard. Gold orchid quality slogan - the quality is enterprise's image and reputation. Gold orchid quality slogan - urgent user anxious, want users to think, to improve product quality fluctuation kongfu. Gold orchid quality slogan - to put the quality, management cannot little. If you want to high quality, better management. Gold orchid quality slogan - only the excellent enterprise, can produce high quality products. Gold orchid quality slogan, talented, didn't I. Not strictly, difficult out high quality goods. Gold orchid quality slogan -- in time of peace prepare for war, to improve the sense of responsibility, perseverance to grasp the quality of the product. Gold orchid quality slogan - always speak quality, sets up the life view. Gold orchid quality slogan -- winners find method, losers find excuses. Gold orchid quality slogan - finishing intended length, everywhere in good management. Gold orchid quality slogan -- no measures of management are talking, no check and plan management is empty. Gold orchid quality slogan - management begins with training, check to the training. Gold orchid quality slogan - the effective implementation of quality management, must be full participation. Gold orchid quality slogan, establish standard is the first step on the quality control. Gold orchid quality slogan -- to keep normal, abnormal corrected. Gold orchid quality slogan - 9000 should be early, unnecessary waste will be less. Gold orchid a timeless quality slogan - quality - enterprise to success. Gold orchid slogan - high quality products, quality is the key that opens the door to the market. Gold orchid slogan, improve the efficiency of the enterprise quality guarantee! Gold orchid quality slogan - implementation effect to demonstrate that the persistence is the key! Gold orchid quality slogan - independent inspection to do good, ooth production. Gold orchid quality slogan - everyone is to do quality control, quality sure. Gold orchid quality slogan - each operation quality, product quality is guaranteed. Gold orchid quality slogan - today's quality, tomorrow's market. Gold orchid quality slogan - self inspection does not relax, quality standard to remember in heart. Gold orchid quality slogan - the three-no principles: don't accept bad product, don't make bad product, don't release non-conforming. Gold orchid slogan, product quality to be without fault, a comprehensive quality management is inevitable. Gold orchid slogan - inspection records to reliable quality, statistical ysis is valid. Gold orchid quality slogan -- a little-and improvement, to perfect quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - every day self review, quality natural is better. Gold orchid quality slogan - daily record good habit, improve trace ysis. Gold orchid quality slogan - one hundred, quality first! Gold orchid quality slogan, promote overall quality activities, improve the overall work morale. Gold orchid participation and power quality slogan - big, product control depends on everybody. Gold orchid quality slogan - no quality, no tomorrow of an enterprise. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality not only decided by the producers, more decided by the customer! Gold orchid quality slogan, quality to relax, in vain! Gold orchid quality slogan, caress attentively, shaping the gold medal quality! Gold orchid quality slogan - quality is made, not by inspection. Gold orchid quality slogan - no captious customers, not only perfect products. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality, cost, occupy the market with hope. Gold orchid quality slogan, quality improvement, we need full participation! Gold orchid quality slogan - quality products - a bridge to the world! Gold orchid quality slogan - quality, enterprise in the future battle field and an eternal theme. Gold orchid quality slogan - the quality is the market, he to improve to make progress. Gold orchid quality slogan - a negligence one hundred busy, everyone is careful more oothly. Gold orchid quality slogan - prefer to check in advance, not after rework. Gold orchid quality slogan - old trouble, to effect a radical cure. Small problems, to attach importance to. Gold orchid quality slogan - feed discharging to recognize, for account management more clearly! Gold orchid quality slogan, innovation, development and stability quality, carry out management improve efficiency! Gold orchid quality slogan - implement ISO series standards, setting up enterprise new image. Gold orchid quality slogan - quality management standardization, ISO success depends on you! Gold orchid slogan - internal audit on a regular basis to do quality, system maintain not wrong! Gold orchid quality slogan careful calculation cost reduction, one thousand party hundreds of provision efficiency! Gold orchid quality slogan - powered by technology, to the quality strives for the development! Gold orchid quality slogan - no measures no-go management, no plan how to work! Gold orchid quality slogan - planning is the direction, the execution is guaranteed! Gold orchid quality slogan, the technology is the foundation, management is the guarantee. Gold orchid quality slogan - applaud for others, to win other people's applause! Gold orchid quality slogan - a short, quality of education. Everybody is responsible for gold orchid slogan, enterprise management, quality. Gold orchid quality slogan - working you ready! Gold orchid quality slogan -- one percent error, one hundred percent of the loss! Gold orchid quality slogan, attaches importance to product quality, strengthen enterprise management. Gold orchid quality slogan, strengthen field management, improve enterprise benefit! Gold orchid quality slogan -- not only perfect products, there is no captious customers! Gold orchid quality slogan - people-oriented, harmony and win-win! Gold orchid quality slogan -- success lies in pay! Gold orchid quality slogan - shaped plastic corporate image, create good brand! Gold orchid quality slogan, cultivate high quality quality, improve team strength. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management is focused on the colorful world, deductive splendid life harmonious consumption. Gold orchid integrity slogan - , bustling; Promises, destroyed. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management is the root of the harmonious society, the safety of consumer is the assurance of a healthy life. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management than heart heart, rest assured consumption corners. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management to win the world, le m rest assured consumption. Gold orchid integrity slogan - left the sincere heart, left the virtue. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, mutual win more, healthy and harmonious. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity is the foundation of development, fraud is the root of trouble. Gold orchid integrity slogan - a little more than the good faith management, the very convenient life. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management starts from me, public commitment to start from the "heart". Gold orchid integrity slogan - keep honesty, cooperation, refinement, satisfaction, and win-win. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the operation of only two words - integrity. Gold orchid integrity slogan - if we stand, deceives is destroyed; Believe, shuffled. Gold orchid integrity slogan - show the good faith management style, the contemporary spirit of businesen. Gold orchid integrity slogan - build "firewall" product quality, to create "activist network" rest assured consumption. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honesty, credibility first, business youdao, construction harmony. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management is money can't buy brand, sincere forever, believe in the future. Gold orchid integrity slogan - a mercenary earn, the good faith management to win time. Gold orchid integrity slogan, make enterprise good faith brand, promote the enterprises healthy development. Gold orchid integrity slogan, fair, justice, public spirit, sincerely, sincerity and honesty. Gold orchid integrity slogan - the world is big, the good faith is the best publicity brand merchants. He creates the brand integrity slogan - hold world with virtue, the good faith management all over the world. Gold orchid integrity slogan - , wealth was packed; Promises, wealth. Gold orchid integrity slogan - establish the good faith management idea, the good faith management innovation mode. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- proud of the good faith management, for the harmonious consumption. Gold orchid integrity slogan - method for rail, sincere and trustworthy, fair, a total of development. Gold orchid integrity slogan - see our market economy, the market by the good faith. Gold orchid integrity slogan - Chinese as long as you don't torture yourself, we will be strong. Gold orchid integrity slogan - mo greedy little do "dirty" business, don't seek immediate desires to forget good faith at all. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management he, you and I, thousands of rest assured consumption. Gold orchid integrity slogan - civilization in business rules, faithless punishment is not a discount. Gold orchid integrity slogan - hey letter law-abiding, sincere cooperation, harmonious and lasting, mutually beneficial and win-win. Gold orchid integrity slogan trust - maintaining truthful, careful management to warm the heart. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity, years of inheritance, destroyed. Gold orchid integrity slogan - consumption is your rights, the good faith is my promise. Gold orchid integrity slogan - my good faith to win your trust, you rest assured test my integrity. Gold orchid integrity slogan - social responsibility to bear in mind, the good faith management will in the long run. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management hand in hand, heart rest assured consumption. Gold orchid integrity slogan - fraud can only meet the eyes, the good faith to prosperity for a long time. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity is the merchant's id card, and trustworthy is the commercial pass. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honest and trustworthy, pragmatic innovation, unity, service customers. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honesty is apparently rod, the management is apparently tuo, buying and selling by conscience, life more exciting. Gold orchid integrity slogan no fraud, the good faith management, the people consume more at ease. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management "365", "315" rest assured consumption. Gold orchid integrity slogan - would you like to do business with a dishonest person? Gold orchid integrity slogan - in accordance with the law and trustworthy, thick Germany had realized; The customer is supreme, service by heart. Gold orchid integrity slogan - one hundred built on innovation, does not cause by the good faith. Gold orchid integrity slogan - rest assured consumption began in the heart, the good faith management practice in line. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- in accordance with the existing city, integrity management; Beneficial to profit, business win-win. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honesty is root, faith and conscience for the branches and lees, just can he fruit. Gold orchid integrity slogan, quality is the source of life, integrity is in business. Gold orchid integrity slogan - buying and selling to "honesty" is the ruler, operating in accordance with the "law". Gold orchid integrity slogan - be kind to customers, keep quality, create a harmonious and common development. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honesty is the root, the letter is this, the good faith management is fundamental. Gold orchid integrity slogan - social responsibility in mind in mind, rest assured consumption in line. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management is the result of in word and deed, rest assured consumption begins with spark a mile. Gold orchid integrity slogan - management is the premise of business enterprise survival and development in accordance with the law, the good faith is the foundation of success. Gold orchid logo, business people-oriented, integrity and harmonious social law is the root. Gold orchid slogan, pragmatic, integrity innovation ascension; Efficient and precise, and win-win cooperation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - real, sincere attitude, commitment. Gold orchid integrity slogan, abides by the contract by and honoring promises that the good faith management forever. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honest and trustworthy, fair trade, put an end to fraud, civilized service. Gold orchid integrity slogan - perfect satisfied service mechani, creating the atmosphere of honesty. Gold orchid integrity slogan - build trust consumption environment, create warm and healthy life. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honest and trustworthy, each participation, benefit everyone. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honest people love, broken.... Gold orchid integrity slogan - business with sincerity, consumption and human rights, social reconciliation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - promote honest and trustworthy business philosophy, to build a harmonious consumption environment fairly. Gold orchid integrity slogan, lust after a slanting, terminate a life time. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity test, the rational man; Is horizontal, an exam is personality. Gold orchid integrity slogan - the bottom line, operation specification. Gold orchid integrity slogan, quality for this, the good faith as the base. Gold orchid integrity slogan - win a lucky, fortunate in wealth throughout life. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- honest, win the world. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honesty, fairness is fruit. Gold orchid integrity slogan, advocate the good faith management, makes a great life. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honesty and trustworthy, living. Gold orchid integrity slogan - today pay a sincere, tomorrow to win credibility. Gold orchid integrity slogan - to make people to believe. Gold orchid slogan - seeding harmonious integrity, market prosperity and harvest. Gold orchid integrity slogan - paper, pick up sesame lost watermelon. Gold orchid integrity slogan - thick DE can slide, the good faith to win the world. Gold orchid integrity slogan - compliance the good faith cooperation, usage rights. Gold orchid integrity slogan - build fraud firewall, prosperity and umbrella. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honesty is made of the root, faith is the foundation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - letter, the soul of a business, the root of industry. Gold orchid integrity slogan - fraud or xing, good faith the eternity. Gold orchid integrity slogan - business integrity, win-win world. Gold orchid slogan, respect, integrity QiZhaRen fear. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity, the merchant's gold business card. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- people carry nobuyuki step, manned kyushu. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- honesty and fairness, interdependence. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- xinli, honesty cast the future. Gold orchid integrity slogan - the gentleman the love of money, take youdao. Gold orchid integrity slogan - faithless is, sincere letter (keep) is a blessing. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- word of mouth is priceless, goodwill is the gold. Gold orchid integrity slogan, people-oriented, good faith to win the world. Gold orchid slogan, co-prosperity, integrity fraud shame. Gold orchid integrity - honesty, banners, get rich. Gold orchid integrity slogan - stick to the moral bottom line, if just wonderful future. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity, pragmatic, innovative and efficient. Gold orchid integrity slogan - birds of a feather flock together, ShangYiCheng xing. Gold orchid integrity slogan - the path to success, the foundation of harmony. Gold orchid integrity slogan - cheng DE brand, reputation create the heens and the earth. Gold orchid integrity slogan - integrity, id card of the enterprise. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- a clear conscience is a sure card, don't make out of money. Gold orchid integrity slogan - doing business in accordance with the law, the good faith is supreme. Gold orchid integrity slogan, cinda world, reputation of Chinese. Gold orchid integrity slogan - thick family heirloom far, the good faith management. Gold orchid integrity slogan, law-abiding keep fundamental, integrity achievements profit. Gold orchid integrity slogan - work wholeheartedly, solid person sincerely. Gold orchid integrity slogan - commerce is not honest, equal to sit to kill. Gold orchid slogan - win market integrity, feel free to gain credibility. Gold orchid integrity slogan - cheng made the world, win the future. Gold orchid integrity slogan, strives for the survival by the quality, seek development by the good faith. Gold orchid integrity slogan - DE thick yan, and ShangXing. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- in the sincere, letter to win the world. Gold orchid integrity slogan - cheng DE casting brand, create a market reputation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - heart is consumers, lead the market prosperity. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the honest code of honor, the legal bottom line. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honest merchants, customers more rest assured. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- honesty cast brand, to win the world. Gold orchid integrity slogan - cheng DE cast brand, credibility to win the future. Gold orchid integrity slogan - cheng made the world, win the future. Gold orchid integrity slogan - all good faith, consumer trust. Gold orchid integrity slogan - the love of money take youdao, the good faith as a fundamental. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- xinli, honesty is the future. Gold orchid slogan - light market integrity, harmony to promote prosperity. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management, to build a harmonious market. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management, peace of mind. Gold orchid integrity slogan, honesty and credibility, emperor terms. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honest and trustworthy, operating in accordance with the law. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- people speak morality, honest operation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - heart and trustworthy management, new market prosperity. Gold orchid integrity slogan - no tricks, the good faith is. Gold orchid integrity slogan - people satisfied with the gold, the good faith management charge. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- honesty, DE vocation. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management is gold, rest assured consumption is a blessing. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- people without a letter, what is he good for?. Gold orchid slogan - long, integrity hing youdao. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management, mutual benefit and reciprocity. Gold orchid slogan - thousand voice, integrity all inheritance. Gold orchid slogan - heart integrity, honest hand in hand. Gold orchid integrity signs, business is about people's livelihood, the good faith achievement prosperity. Gold orchid integrity slogan - greedy person a bucket of rice, grain loss six months. Gold orchid integrity slogan, conscience, integrity to do things. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- to carry forward the Chinese moral, prosperous business enterprise. Gold orchid integrity slogan - cheng made the world, win the future. Gold orchid integrity slogan - 'thought, the good faith is supreme. Gold orchid slogan - win market integrity, warm the heart at ease. Gold orchid integrity slogan - cheng DE for users, brand reputation casting. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the honest code of honor, the moral bottom line. Gold orchid integrity slogan - to good faith era, to create a prosperous future. Gold orchid integrity slogan, integrity management, see the heart. Gold orchid integrity slogan -- if born; The letter to keep pace with The Times. Gold orchid integrity slogan - sowing good faith, harvest wealth. Gold orchid integrity slogan, quality first, integrity management. Gold orchid integrity slogan - and trustworthy starts from me, he your contribution to the harmony. Gold orchid integrity slogan - ensure cooperation, refinement to achieve satisfaction. Gold orchid integrity slogan - to build the good faith management, the construction of a harmonious society. Gold orchid integrity slogan - ShangYiCheng DE, a person with faith. Gold orchid integrity slogan - honestly, strive for the user, create a market reputation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - people-oriented, honesty is root, and for the soul. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management, the interests of a win-win situation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - founding sincere, letter of root. Gold orchid integrity slogan, the good faith management, mutual win-win situation. Gold orchid integrity slogan - keep promoting cooperation, satisfaction achieve win-win.



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